Starting to Thaw
Stuck at home, waiting for my incision to heal enough that the stiches could be removed, nothing to do but paint. Who'd have thought a tiny growth removed from over my left eyebrow would be so incapacitating?! Can't go to the League, can't lift anything heavy (my bag of paints), can't bend down to pick anything up (even something light), can't go to the gym, looking ugly (with a swollen technicolor eye and neon blue stiches) so don't want to go out anywhere ... what a bummer.
So I picked up an old painting from last year that I hadn't liked. I'd already tried to "fix" it once ... but that hadn't worked. So nothing ventured, nothing gained. I decided to try again. This time I liked the result.
The hardest part was picking the title. It looks pretty cold and reminds me of the glaciers I saw in southern Chile, except for the green around the edges. That doesn't seem so frozen. So, like the glaciers, it's "Starting to Thaw."
2022 Acrylic 16" x 20"